What's behind the final door in Sundered Doctrine
Can the Dungeon Shotgun actually roll Bait&Switch + redirection?
Whats everyone's thoughts on Arc subclasses now?
Since Queenbreaker is deservedly getting more attention (in PVE), why Quickdraw or Hip-Fire Grip?
Ticcus divination should scorch
Each tether shot procs the vog origin trait
Make New Land Beyond a primary weapon before release
All Healing Perks Stop Functioning In New Dungeon After A While…
Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Race Megathread
Bungie, this version of Destabilising Rounds is EXACTLY how the perk should have been when it got released.
Inflection Point meets Radiant Dance Machines
Thunderlord and Bolt Charge/ Storm’s keep
The Redirection perk got a ton of changes not listed in the patch notes
Bug report- the VoG crafted weapons letting you use a harmonizer and eating the resources is not their only bug, i'm 5/5 on praedthys and another one dropped non red (bc i'm 5/5) but it made the deepsight drop sound
[BUG] the VoG crafted weapons letting you use a harmonizer and eating the resources is not their only bug, i'm 5/5 on praedthys and another one dropped non red (bc i'm 5/5) but it made the deepsight drop sound
It may be easier to use, but the 4th Horseman power fantasy just doesn't feel there anymore.
It’s been 2,456 days since Warmind released “720” rpm smgs: bungie can you please update the UI to reflect the actual rpm of 750?
Lodestar might not be good in Crucible
Destiny QoL Status: Dungeons
Prediction, Fatebringer is going to overtake Rose as the most popular Kinetic Handcannon
Joxer Longsword opinions?
Collective action
Lodestar feels pretty overtuned.
Sundered Doctrine Preliminary Disable List
Khepri's Horn moving away from a subclass neutral exotic is a 1 step forward 2 steps back kinda move