Haven’t fucked a tank in years. Is this normal?
What should these 2 be called
Just fell for the oldest trick in the book
catching razor clams by pouring salt in the sand
Curious how much yall get paid?
Work in a DC. Boss talked to me about attendance but brought up “points”, something that’s never been mentioned before
Sugar free hate??? I don’t get it.
Best Creatures Against Bosses
Help! My 12 year old Xbox is working perfectly!
AquaRocksColorado doxxes customer for negative review.
How do I (23F) get over his (25M) size?
Will my black ghost knife fish’s tale grow back?
Sleeve by Ferenc Banu (me) at True Solution Tattoo Budapest
What do you want me to use?
Deez boiz soft
This Betta Fish revived from being frozen (warning about buying petco fish.)
yall freaky as hell
We need to stop this
Why doesn't anyone ever change them?
Walking down the wrong street
First Griffin i could use some Help
Felt like sharing my little slice of the jungle!
Should I trim my bush?
I hate Snapchat.
Warzone is the way to go for this