Which team wins this ?
Will there be any character in One-piece who be able to surpass Whitebeard in Endurance?
Generally, when two characters have the same backstory and one of them turns evil while the other does not, they don't have the same backstory.
When men complain about "guys can't cry" but then enforce that same standard.
Given that CSMs hate everyone and everything, what CSM legion is hated most by CSMs?
Fans Can’t Stand Weakness in Protagonist
I may have picked the wrong dump stat.... (original comic by Shen Comix)
[Warhammer fantasy] what is the public opinion of emperor Karl franz by the people of the empire?
Why would anyone every use Shillelagh with a quarterstaff?
Adopted Grung DMPC.
Characters who say evil things but are seen as just quirky by other characters are annoying for a lot of reasons.
Is it rude to ask your DM for a custom weapon?
Hows it feel to be American these days?
Predators being a culture of honourable warriors never made sense to me.
Beat floor 39
Is the average ogre a good cook?
What class is best for my character?
Is it okay to let my guinea pigs roam around on my lawn to eat weeds?
I have a -3 Strength modifier. What happens when I try to high jump?
Supreme Heresy
How did Bucciarati manage to become an undead?
Ally-Pharius: Head of the Hydra
How do you handle players attempting to assasinate sleeping / unconscious npcs?
One of the more interesting buff ideas I've had for a Pokémon. What do you think?
Which Agent of DIO from part 3 could beat DIO if they acquired a Stone Mask and used it on themselves.