Got this message and i dont really care becasue he is clearly a man with mental problems but i think hes hould be perma bann,what do you guys think of this ?
I vaaled all my gear and I regret it
Remember kids, gambling always pays off, trust me
Was just scrolling reddit then the story begin
I am blind or i cant get there? there is no path to go i swear.
Someone is duping mirrors
i spat my water when i enter into his hideout
In the Lost Lands | Official trailer
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON PATCH NOTES ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Not a fan of the 10% XP fee for learning which patches I can walk over
When i die in the campaign, i wanna try again. When i die in maps, i just wanna stop playing.
Intel Arc B580 review: The new $249 GPU champion has arrived
It's also a faster card
Acesta este seful securitatii lui CG care a fost arestat azi dimineata
Lasconi I-a scris lu' Trump. Are niste consiliere, nene...
CCR cere renumărarea voturilor la primul tur prezidențial, susțin surse Digi24
O sa avem prima femeie presedinte
Giving away 5 early access keys
Lasconi trece pe locul 2!
WCI'24 small interview with Sergey Snisarenko - Creative Director at Wargaming
King of Spain pelted with mud in flood-hit Valencia Residents of flood-hit Valencia pelted King Felipe VI of Spain with mud as he arrived in the regions in the east of the country.
New zombies on Labs [Discussion]
This is how Dune sound designer Mark Mangini created the sound for the film’s ornithopters.
We are temporarily disabling the synchronization of task progression between EFT and Arena. [...] We are actively working on fixing the known issues that cause desynchronization of character levels and skills, as well as loss of task progression.
[Discussion] This wipe had some really good anti cheat changes that I haven’t seen discussed yet