An honest mistake
Chance the Lawyer
that's my cousin\
"you're gonna live"
When you maxed out your writing skills
Biggie Eilish
i honestly don't see it...
Immigrants Make America Great
If this monster was blocking your path, what would you do?
My neighbor expected me to share my Wi-Fi after they 'forgot' to pay their bill. Now they’re bad-mouthing me
AITA for refusing to let my neighbor use my Wi-Fi after they "accidentally" disconnected their service?
AITA for not letting my coworker borrow my laptop after she spilled coffee on hers?
AITA for refusing to move seats on a flight after a family tried to guilt-trip me?
AITA for not lending my car to my friend who refuses to pay for the gas?
WIBTA for not lending my car to my friend who refuses to pay for the gas?
WIBTA for not letting my brother bring his dog to my sister's engagement party?
IATA for not wanting to let my brother bring his dog to my sister's engagement party?
AITA for telling my sister it’s her fault our in-laws don’t help her?