he was a discord boy, she was a reddit girl, together they were _______
A double stuffed ______ is the only kind worth getting
Went to my first meeting last night and still drank after.
So uncalled for 😂
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Falsely claiming to be a peace officer & threatening arrest
How Do You Preform The Hymen Maneuver?
What’s the most absurd FU price you’ve ever paid or “offered”to pay for something just to see what would happen? How did it turn out?
Do you like it?
If you could have any job for a week, what would it be and why?
How often do you say “I love you” growing up with your family?
What are you most proud of getting sober from?
NSFW just in case
If the world was going to end tomorrow, would you have a drink?
What song has been played to death to the point of being unenjoyable?
Let’s do this again. Make a new word. The person who says goodbye has to give it a definition. This time you can only use the first letter of your username.
Which Video games do you enjoy playing with your partner?
Give me a sentence, but you can only use words that start with the first letter of your username. OWE
What would you do when you were bored before everyone had a cell phone?
Why don’t more people choose their local bowling alley as a wedding venue?
Thank you Askreddit users. What has been your most helpful post?
How is your Pain tolerance?
What is 35 too old for?
How high do your child's grades need to be to get them the most expensive outfit at Uniqlo?