Bács-Kiskun megye slander (no hate)
Keep the beardstache or just let everything grow back?
Cut my hair last night and i regret it,fckn hate it, looks like shit man
Elon's weird behavior at Donald Trump's inauguration.
How to age 25 years in 6 years.
I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI (low res sorry)
Blursed hitman
Hiányzik erősen 😔
Az élet szép.
Polska gurom!
After walking for 5 minutes, the tounge of my right shoe always slips to the right. Why does it do that, how to fix it?
Sad realisation
Montreal’s Non-Gentrified Eastside (Hochelaga “85”)
Pair of Jordans a year and a half apart
Grandpa’s mugshots {1939-45}
Hi, guys! Have you ever wondered what Lady Boyle would look like if she were in the game? Well, here she is based on an in-game image. It was my first time modeling and rigging a character. The model works in the game too!
Rental Cars - John Joseph
Even as a semi religious person. It disgusted me how they misunderstood their gods.
3 years of painting, my first and my latest mini
Rate this out of 10 (55days of drawing)
I think We've finally Ultrakilled(TM) the Movement Shooter Market
Which Armies are hero-heavy ??
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