I like Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery".
Crimsonender update on Patricia Taxxon
this sub keeps getting recommended to me even though i got no idea what it's about, do i read homestuck
AITA for breaking up with my bf after he grabbed my neck
people who like davekat - what makes you like it?
Not to shabby if I do say so myself lol
cat ears keiji
Watching a woman get assaulted and dragged off by strangers in a very public, crowded place in a civilized country, while no one helped raises a lot of questions about the actual integrity of people who say they care.
I tried to make akinator guess Sara chidouin
I asked ChatGPT why MAGA men are so threatened by women …
something i don't see discussed re: dummies
It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling and tingles I've never felt before wtf wtf
You’re offered the US presidency. Do you take it?
The ‘tsundoku’ phenomenon, or how we’ve normalized collecting books we’ll never read
My friend still believes that parents want to put litter boxes in schools
AITA for telling my SIL she can’t bring her Kids to my Wedding because they ruined my engagement party?
Trump Says Blue States Will 'Totally Disappear Off The Map' Next Year, Promises 'Big, Big Surprise'
Mspfa stuffs I’ve been working on
quebec rule
My (25f) parents have chased away every boyfriend I have ever had. How do I prevent this from ruining my relationship with my current bf (28m)?
Mom stands up for her rights
Where to find "Adolescence of Utena" with English subtitles?
Banning porn
AITA for telling my brother it's not my problem that he can't keep his hands to himself?