Time cheater or just a bug? (he was declared winner by time)
How can I know what I'm allowed to do after a gb ?
some games feel like they are 100s of mmr higher or is it just me ?
Is there a chance time travel to the past will ever be possible?
How to get better at getting out of dry positions ?
Book recommandations for a complete beginner in the field
does hero level matter for weapon and adventure event ?
Any idea on when will the next prisma event will be ?
what would happen if you try to stay in sleep paralysis state ?
Is there no way to make black prior work in 1v1?
Will archero slowly stop receiving update ?
Openings without king side castle
What's the hardest video game you've ever played ?
What to do with all my weapons ?
Any advice to make my team comp better ?
Weird error when trying to play friendly match
How good chatgpt has become to learn Korean ?
Are virtual particles really just a myth ?
Is the expedition fist a realistic goal in this fishing event ?
Updated demon blade setup ?
[Noob] Is there anything I am doing wrong here ?
Good DF let's play for begginer
is there a way to disable the rainbow trail ?
how many LP are you supposed to lose/win for each end position ?
What should I do in this situation ?