Best misheard lyrics from Muse
What is your favourite song by the band?
What’s Blur’s heaviest song??
Big muff, which one.
What’s the band you always look forward to hearing on the radio.
Bakkesmod on Mac?
What are your thoughts on the band Muse?
What are your thoughts on Muse? + Favourite song?
I need help identifying which pedal this is and how much it’s worth
Muse Against Humanity cards that I made a few years ago
Mine and my girlfriends project guitar 🎸 Favourite album of all time
My guitar cover of Hysteria
Setting up MOTP effects for my new Manson which will be arriving soon.
The beauty of finishing online classes is that I can free up space on my computer, which leads to getting my Map software reinstalled
my 15 year old son "Space Dementia"
my band's cover of dead star (outro) @truceband
What band is this??? (Wrong answers only)
Unintended Appreciation Post
what do yall listen to besides blur? just curious
Korg KP3 for muse
Everyone’s bass idols? I’ll start with mine…