Saved in front of shiny and it won't spawn on reset.
PSA to those completing the dex
How tf do people even date and shit it's crazy to me.
Super Styles and new Snap customization, via @HYPEX
A list of things Felix said he would do but never did (per his request)
Xqc showing off his muscular legs
Future Exotics. (Via: @FortTory)
Everyone sad after they patched the XP glitch.
Well...Hello There! My 1700 cod points from MW are now Negative....
Black Ops Cold War Beta Experience
I’m expecting a call from FaZe clan any day now
About to fight Golem. Good Ranger Setup?
do it, do it now
First game best action lol
do these foods look tasty enough?
This is what your keyboard will do when moon lord is about to spawn
So glad Rocket is a back bling and not just Groots emote.
The mjolnir pickaxe takes too long to swing.
Was farming Abyss for a weapon and found this
I like the new maps, but c’mon
Well boys, we did it. After 9 months of grinding and 3 straight days of slapping people with the riot shield, I've finally gotten Damascus. Better late than never.
Just unlocked Damascus since season 0, so here it is on the gun that started it all
New update is great, too tired to fully experience
Part 13 of Shortsword only Playthrough: Lets go gamers
Part 12 of Shortsword only Playthrough: Golem and Terra Shiv