is there a way to add a "read more" cutoff to long reblogs?
What body feature are you most proud of?
Weirdest thing that has made you sick?
What do you do when a guy hugs you?
If you had to guess where these photos were taken, what would be your answer?
If a dying virgin man has sex, will it be his first or the last?.
She jacked my ride!
If you send an ask to someone's inbox, and then block the account you sent the ask in to, will that account still see the ask you sent?
Connor and Kara had more chemistry in one scene than Markus and North did in the whole game
Curious on why many service model android have handles on their uniforms.
My account is weird (shadowban? spam restricted?) and support hasn't responded.
If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest, and why?
Am i the only one who's jumped here (swamp location) with the thought that it's not insta kill pit or am i retarded))?
Do hot girls tend to drink less water?
Women, what's the most 'unladylike' thing about you?
Why is it impossible for humans to be equal and share equal wealth?
When grown men are really childish and weird about periods.
It's pee.
Why are my nipples itchy?
Should AI Chatbot be censored or uncensored?
The look I'm going for in this playthrough 😊
How do the English view New England
How is dave so fat?