Day Finale of Ruining Sonic: Purple eyes
your OC killed this guy. Why?
Name a cartoon with worse character design I'll wait
Make the comments look like Eggman's search history
Day 8 of Ruining Sonic: Removing the nose
Say something nice about Movie Super Shadow.
Day 7 of Ruining Sonic: Giving him chest fur
Day 6 of Ruining Sonic: Separating the eyes
how tall is clarence??
Day 5 of Ruining Sonic: Removing his quills
Custom Sonic 4 Poster
Anyone else think one of these 2 is bound to die at some point?
Bald Sonic
Am I the only one that thinks this model is fucking horrendous?
Day 4 of Ruining Sonic: Taking his socks off
Why are people bigots?
Aright, who's listening to Limp Bizkit at way too many decibels?
Day 3 of Ruining Sonic: Taking the inner part of his ears
Begs the question
Say your favourite video game but replace one word with rizz
Day 2 of Ruining Sonic: Taking the shoes, but leaving the socks
Day 1 of Ruining Sonic: Gloves go bye
Type any Brewstew character with your eyes closed
What Sonic thing pisses you off more than it should?