Your opinion
Fits with every outfit
Opinions on this band/album
Accidental Nu Metal. Non nu metal bands that slid into the genre for a song or two.
You walk into your house and see this wyd?
What's everyone's opinion on this band?
Bands that have both a singer and a rapper?
Worst nu metal álbum??
Hi this is Matt from LeFT. Should I re-record We Deliver For You?
Please tell me I’m not the only one who knows this album.
Which of these monitors would you recommend?
Day 5: Best band
Name an album from my top 100 and I'll give you my top 3 songs
Asus stand by its warranty.
I want to get my boyfriend into metal but he thinks its "too much" any recs?
What nu metal song makes you feel like this?
is this nu metal?
What do you think is the most hated front man in the nu metal scene? Me: Fred Durst
Boost for boost will send back asap (have all four left)
Corporate Jargon That Makes You Cringe
Opinions on Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman?
What are Nu metal Essentials?
Making an underground/underrated nu-metal playlist, any suggestions?
This album fucking slaps.