How's everyone's anniversary going, and just in general?
Another Year, another Fallen Banner approaches
Seeking and Finding Banner Megathread (7/02/2025)
Sooo, what do you guys use to beat Rhea in Tempest Trials? I'm struggling right now...
Rhea's actual name
Alfonse/Sharena voters, be honest, who are you voting for next?
i drew deer man as your personal trainer
Give Me a Character to Draw!!
The TT seals are Time's Pulse and Atk/Spd Prime
/r/FireEmblemHeroes Weekly Discussion Thread (02/04/2025)
This is the REAL deep-cut Mario Kart character I wanna see return
Look at my beautiful wife. Look at how happy she is that she finally reunited with her mother. My girl won in life.
What single mode would you make adjustments to that would personally make you more interested in playing through it?
The feh channel was great and all, but…
Now all I need is Ike 😭
Fodlan CYL9 rankings (and CYL8 for comparison)
Average Pawns of Loki enemy lineup:
Embla’s Reason for Evil and Connection to Yggdrasil
The annual CYL discourse
Think I found the one who sent the email
All Echoes CYL9 rankings (and CYL8 rankings for comparison)
(Engage Salt) I don't even play the game anymore but wanna throw my two cents in
1st Brave Refresher
Thoughts about the CYL results?
Should IS not add new book OCs to CYL until after their book ends?