mass effect andromeda versus any mass effect
Crossover Easter Eggs
Game crashes in menus?
How often should I be going back to the Tempest?
Audio dynamic range issues?
Starting my very first playthrough!
Mass Effect blackpill from a lonely person
Anna angel and the babies
What's your favorite pathologic/P2 quote/line?
Do you change romance between each game? Or do you stay with the same romance until the end?
What is a pathologic theory that you don’t have extensive proof for but still believe?
Are firearms even worth it?
Need some ideas of how to spice up my Pathologic campaign's lore
Finished P1 (HD) with all three protagonists, some thoughts
A person I know said that the game is bad because it wasn’t designed to be fun and I wanna know y’all’s thoughts on that.
What would you call Ally's haircut in Ally to Zacky?
i made a wysocki wallpaper bc he’s babygirl, here it is in case anyone else wants it 🫶🏻
Autism² (Played on the train ride I took this weekend :D)
[DAV SPOILERS ALL] Venting: DAV is more like a DA fanfic kind of game
[DAV ACT 1 SPOILERS] Anybody else find themselfs not wanting to romance anyone?
i just got the most insane spine chill of my life. i couldn't click anywhere or anything
I've never played this game, but my buddy has and sends me so many memes about it that this sub keeps coming up in my recommendations. I feel oddly attached to the characters now lmao
Do you every discover (spoiler) in P2??
Did...did I finish the game? (P2)
finished pathologic 2! what did you guys like?