A jemi ne elita e Shqipërisë?
Thoughts on Trump marrying a slovene?
Military access? Does me getting military access from a neutral country also give military access to my enemies through that country?
Kush plasi fishekzjarre tek kodra e diellit para 2 minutash
Ktu perfundimisht nuk ka pune fundjave
"jo po ka 5000 vende pune" nderkohe kur mendon se ke pare gjithcka....
1940s. My granddad (middle) and his team. All volunteers. Liberated our country and exterminated nazi/fascist forces. So proud of this man
Someone made a shrine for a dead cockroach in my work building
I'm quitting Instagram. You should too | Mark Zuckerberg's horrible changes for Instagram — and Facebook — have become untenable, writes Lennon Torres.
Would you like Yugoslavia back?
Balatro sold 5 million copies!
Si eshte tradita ne qytetin tuaj?
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My Dad uses water glasses for his gin and leaves them out
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
Pse Arlind Qorin?
Mossadegh, Iranian prime minister, under house arrest after CIA overthrown his democratic government, Iran, 1965 [432x645]
Çfarë opinioni keni për Xhafer Devën?
Emigrova, u ktheva, emigrova perseri dhe u riktheva serish.
Rikthimi ne shqiperi
A do e blinit nje film shqiptar te restauruar ne 4k per 100lek/1€??
Lokal per te luajtur
Si mund te votohet nga diaspora?
A do te funksiononte ne Shqiperi?
Snitching scheme in Vietnam to improve road safety