How long can seeds *actually* keep?
Rain and a pool I will not be entering.
Musk’s Mistakes Are Bluesky’s Best Marketing Strategy, Apparently
70€ price tag rule
What's the most powerful Eldrich Blast someone could cast?
My dog randomly drags her nose on the bed
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!
Tunnel “easter egg”
Habbo Hotel turned me Jewish and gay: a dunp
How do people like Hbomb keep all of their personal information off the web?
Someone being against “personal pronouns” until they’re personally misgendered
Dripping rule
Screamer's Pizzeria sold?
I hate dr(ule)ving
Kde vs gnome
story of my life
Private file on IPFS
IPFS collisions.
fighting on the front lines
How do you play with legendary resistances other than being a munchkin?
Imposter Syndrome Cure
Minecraft from scratch with only modern OpenGL
Fire extinguisher recharge scams?