gun to your head, what 3 cards are you immediately banning out of master duel?
What decks make you go "ugh" upon seeing them? (That isn't Stun)
Which card art do you think is the most beautiful in Yu-Gi-Oh?
Knowing Konami this will Probably Get Banned Before Touching Anything Else
My first guaranteed UR pull, what’s yours?
for those who are unaware, the fastest way to get this is to make a new account yourself, much better than begging for new player's help
What deck do u think they played
The worst change out of the latest updates
Are you ready?
Thursday morning
Master duel on Thursday:
Final moment of YCS Orlando
What are Your honest opinions On fire fist I really wish they didn’t suck if you get a bad opening hand
Imagine you try to read a card and before you even finished your opponent activated his whole deck
Pendulum Hate really kinda dumb nowadays
How Konami creates new decks
Cydras biggest weakness is…
Silver/Gold be Like
Meta confronting Anti-Meta/Stun
If you could choose one deck to never have to face again, which one do you choose?
Won against Soulburber @ lvl. 50 and that's the reward I got. Is this a joke?
My World Premiere Archetype Tier List