Why is there a time limit on Dynamax battles?
Sichuan, China, January 30, kid throws firecracker in sewer
How can I get rid of zygarde cells?
I don’t even know what to use my candy on
Girl I went to school with got tats from one of her friends in some dingy house
In what language? That's the name of the form...
Brasileiros, contem suas experiências com Ozempic/Mounjaro
CNI alerta que eventual alta da Selic compromete investimentos e trava crescimento econômico
"Hamas alterou aparições de reféns antes da divulgação, diz relatório"
Petição para a morte da brasileira na Holanda - tomei shadow ban depois de postar no grupo da Holanda
Optimus Prime 2025 Case F
How is this LEGAL?? I am disgusted by humanity.
Well I guess we’ll never know if I got it…..
Ralts Community Day Classic - Event Overview & Special Research (LeekDuck)
When you think it’s over…but your blood comes through.
Are wild shinies disabled?
Did Trump's executive order just make everyone in the U.S. female?
How many players actually save their postcards?
Auxílio diário CAPES (órgão brasileiro, do MEC) para pesquisadores brasileiros participarem de eventos no Brasil: R$320,00. Auxílio diário CAPES para gringos participarem de eventos no Brasil: R$1570,00
O que dizer sobre essa imagem??
These directional markers at my local hospital are Kiwi footprints. Unfortunately bird footprints look like arrows going the wrong way.
Level up a Max Move 3 times
Bro hit her with the hood.
Legendary Flight Lead-Up Timed Research Info from Leek Duck
Homem perde prêmio da Mega da Virada por estorno inesperado