Ain't no way.. this was my first eternatus egg!!
Me trying to figure out how much money I have like
My first run on test server and wtf??? Just got the god of pokemon as a shiny
They called me a madman! (They were right)
Best way to farm candies for Zigazagoon?
Sometimes the game just wants you to win
Let's just take a second to appreciate how amazing some of the soundtrack is.
How would a multi-hit fusion work?
What happens when I reduce 0.5?
why does sss luck does not feel like sss luck
You vs The Guy she told you not to worry about
My mom never wanted to buy me a 3DS
Almost done.. going to miss this beautiful town hall
Finally moved on from my 1080 ti!
This may be the coolest (and meanest) thing that's ever happened to me
First Legendary Egg hatched! Is this good?
what are the chances
A 4K monitor couldn’t handle this much glory
Just found out about this series, which should I start with?
Next time definitely
hi, I have a problem
Would you still love Eevee if it was a worm? [OC] Bug/Ground Eeveelution
Just realized my all time best trophy’s for both bases are the exact same
This is how Sony rewards its employees.