Overreagerer jeg?
Peter? what does covid have to with this and what even is the guy doing in train?
On the Underground
The Himalayas from the International Space Station
Norwegian commie flag redesign
Any thoughts to this one?
I got a hot take!
Anyone else just love this album art?
Just made this game about a goose, what should I call it?
There was a mini green pepper inside my orange pepper!
Little pancake I made looks like a sperm
My pigeon, Queen
Nü-Metal in a nutshell
What’s everyone doing tonight?
The US Navy's High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS) in action
This property had a fire hydrant in their backyard
The sun spot
Not all Americans are bad, some of us didn’t want this.
At the grocery in front of eggs.
After the Argentinian president called queer people "pedophiles" in a speech, this happened
Why wasn’t Calling All Skeletons a single?
Svenskene kastet ut den iranske sjeiken og imamen Mohsen Hakimollahi midt på natta. Han ledet Nordens største sjiamuslimske moské og mistenkes for å spionere for Iran og fremme terror. Hvor mange sånne opererer fritt i Norge?
My new costume is ready
Without looking at my post history, guess who plays what instrument in my band! (I am the one in the middle)
Serbian student protest 2.1.