[Results and Decisions] My first decision and that’s an acceptance at CMU
For those of you who were in a relationship before immigrating, are you guys still together?
Men in their 30s, what are some of the biggest regrets from your 20s?
28M. Be Brutally Honest + Improvement Tips. I Never Have a Girlfriend, Is Look / Appearance the Problem?
As a woman, desperation is the biggest turn off to me
Does computer science have the biggest dropoff from bachelors prestige to masters non-prestige?
Thoughts about host creating Social Media posts about you
Gatech MSCS vs Columbia MA in Biomedical Informatics
The guy who ghosted me a year ago texted me two days ago
He came back and I rejected him.
For those of you who struggle to immigrate to Canada, is it all worth it? Is the Canadian dream still alive?
For those of you who struggle to immigrate to the Canada, is it all worth it? Is the Canadian dream still alive?
[Discussion] Immigrate Alone or Start a Relationship and Move Together – What’s the Better Option?
[Discussion] Finding a partner vs Immigration, which one I should do first?
Finding a partner vs Immigration, which one I should do first?
Would you date someone you don't find physically attractive?
How many back-and-forths between authors (phd student & supervisor) before article manuscript is submitted?
what are some common scams a solo traveller should always be aware of?
Is my PI reducing my chances to pursue an academic career?
Listing only one country in the itinerary and for hotel booking but travel to multiple countries after getting the visa, is this allowed?
What is the best way to get a flight reservation?
How many days to spend in Greece for mythology geeks?