This is for whoever plays Warframe now lol
Will we ever get another reincarnate era?
New (sorta) Dire Taken abilities
Am I missing something or is it 55 USD to purchase all three of the Star Wars armor sets?
Why does the Sundered Doctrine boss have 18 Zorpillion health?
Explicitly Christian Music?
I love the new activity, but it seems like the only way to make arc viable in the endgame is to not allow other classes to heal.
Take it out
Don't hate me but.....I like the nether as it is.
How do you heal in the Nether?
Enhanced Destabilizing Rounds now has amazing potential
I feel like if you can give any gun enhanced perks now, crafted or not, it’s okay to up the power level of enhanced perks.
Who is Ben Parker?
What do you think about the friendly neighbourhood spiderman?
Geomag stabilizers: an example of how stupid the wish ability flat% gain nerfs were
Applebee’s is their biggest fan
I said what I said
Spider-Man is no longer street level
We need some new fun and creative 1st and 2nd column weapon perks
What are yours gunsmith weapons worth it ?
Fuck Ronnie Radke
What exotics still need buffs?
With Valentines day coming up, any good pick up lines?
The only problem with the game: its economic model
Which TOP song is this?