Tết Parade (E-M5 Mk III, 25mm f1.8)
A Summer Vibe..
Look at these paws!
What a View!
My Animals' Photos
Mr Portia & My Gear to capture his photos
My first successful focus-stacked photo of a Fly on a leaf
Mr Portia & My Gear to capture his photos ( G9 II & OM 90mm)
Insect macro : flash or LED panel?
A Crab-liked Spider and its meal
Portrait of a Spider
Taking photos of Animals with M43 system has given me good results!
I love taking photos of Animals
Why this Spider’s expression looks like I am gonna steal his food?
A Tiny Jumping Spider’s expression like ‘Stay away from my meal!!’
Elgeet Cine Navitar 3 inches f1.9