About the h3 / Hasan video..
Steamies 2023 Voting Submission
Doordashing Scottsdale
All or nothing vs every bit counts
what are those drivers thinking? doors open outward.. half my drink spilled, and soaked my paninis.
When I die, I want my remains scattered over Disney World.
Dashers please stop doing this!
Got super lucky and didn’t get roped
how do you transfer funds to uber pro card
The world lost a good person last night WubCubs
Does the friction/poking from the upper leather strap eventually go away when breaking in the shoe? (Arizona oiled leather sandal)
Tour postponed
CaptionCall Corruption and Employee Abuse. See comments for details
I HATE it when anything encroaches on my free time and it’s ruining my life
Having a personal opinion of potential partners wrt sexual past is now "slut-shaming" apparently
Pointless vent: I HATE glass and ceramic dishes. I wish everything was wood or plastic.
Sexism in r/CryptoCurrency Sub
I feel bad for the genetically unlucky inbred ones but lolll
Is it good that she can’t sleep around or …?
All the arguments against raising minimum wages were probably all used back then by those who were against abolishing slavery
U.S. senator introduces bill to block Brazilian beef imports after "mad cow" reports
Claiming "mental health" as an excuse for poor work ethic is lame.
Weekly Core Topics Thread
My employer is mandating 6 day, 60 hour work weeks starting next week, and I don't know what to do.
Based on how poorly they treat employees, what companies should we never buy from?