Is this guy worth picking up mid?
I like the skin but the basic recall always destroys me
we need an aatrox skin with black wings
Best Talon Skin?
Chosen of the Wolf Gwen
what to build on talon first?
Change the Domination Tree to Submission Tree
I'm a traitor...
How do I beat yasuo as talon
Play wild rift, trust me.
Hwei fanart (my first side profile)
why does talon have no interaction with other champions?
How to beat thisb little shit
Talon weak?
I really hate how conq and bruiser talon does more damage than lethality
Fucking hate this shitty ass vr mission
Delicious juicy chicken
Flip your phone to read
N I G E R U N D A Y O ! S M O K E Y !
Did someone notice the simularity
Use three emojis or one word to describe your face after beating the first level of MGRR
Who do you guys ban the most when playing talon?
Why do some assassins have high win rates, but all their mains complain they're weak?
why is talon never going to get a buff