unplayable lol
does the pain ever stop [New Player]
Is this guy legit?
[Feedback] - PvE account got reset for buying illegal stuff off fence
Too poor to screen print
NoiceGuys take is stupid [Discussion]
3-Year-Old Girl Raped In Delhi, Found In Bushes
[Discussion] Most of the people I know who played Tarkov have either switched to PVE or quit
[Suggestion] Scav Main change
How do I explain to my newbie friend that I didn't make him waste 60$
Not my bloodiest run…
The Real Time Discord Emojis Are Hillarious
Why do so many players hate when people do scav runs? [discussion]
Social media ruins everything
"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." - Seneca
Game feels terrible for new players to play
Average lvl atm
Just gonna put this here...
Marathon ended by a totally legit player with 1700 hours - 150 raids this wipe and still here... nice.
Everyone in this video is a loser. "Predator" gets assaulted by "predator catchers"
Aerial footage of "Taharrush Gamea" (collective harassment) in which large groups of people crowd together in an attempt to sexually harass women in public
Jaeger Tripwire Quest - PvE Lvl 40, "King Level" for reference
Every wipe old question, which side are you picking and why?
Labs Keycards have uses now?