Reinforce my low self esteem.
Roast us hard, like we like it. ;)
What's a question that you hate to answer?
Today I learned that my friends Chinese tattoo literally means "Turkey Sandwich"
Reddit, let's make a millionaire! [Entry thread #9]
What Are You Playing This Week? 06/07/15 to 06/14/15
My experience in gaming for the past 2 weeks
Is the human in this picture male or female?
I am the coolest person I know AMA
A conversation I had with my friend about a party.
[Haiku] Po [0:12]
There's a tomato on my desk.
Women of reddit, what fashion tip would you like to give to men?
Request, tweak that changes your wallpaper this way
are we cute?
Interested in ending the war on drugs? Join us in forming Georgia Tech's chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy!
Trees, bringing families together