(17f) looking for new music!
Which song comes to your mind when you look at this picture?
Okay, let's go, what song would go with the photo?
What else would you add?
Artists/albums that punch you in the gut like Elliott Smith, Brand New, Foxing, The Antlers, etc.
Songs for when you’re resigned about the state of the world.
Looking for albums/songs that would sound like this!
Sad yet cathartic breakup songs?
Eco-protest music?
Recommend me some song from this amazing country! Mexico 🇲🇽
Suggest me an album!
Is destroying a whole flock of agricultural birds really the best approach with bird flu?
What song are you playing here?
I got cheated on, need good music.
Song suggestion for a “taking down capitalism”
[meta question] way to convert suggestions into playlists?
Ambient music while building Lego
What songs come to mind?
How we do it in New England
Songs that give this vibe?
Need some songs about embracing change
what song comes to mind?
Can anyone help?
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