Highest duelist win rate in Celestial+ this season are (almost) all the melee hero’s. Is there any true counter to good melees?
Ok Reddit, you’ve always been brutally honest with me. Is this guy smurfing or am I just bad
Looking for Replay Codes!
Other guy only rated once. Give me the song you have on repeat I'll tell you what I like about them.
Is 'Reacher' a real word?
Need help with similars dark-ish songs
Deep-Sad-Dark-Depressing 90s/Early 00s Songs
How much longer is the wait
A few checklist tips for getting through low ranks
Does solo queue get worse after plat?
Can someone help me get better?
Anyone know the feeling?
CMV: Society is not getting more racist but less racist.
Largest gap between an artists best and worst albums?
Tips/How should I be playing Thor?
Dealing with people flaming you
Stuck in Gold 1 send help please
In Celebration of Black History Month, can y’all recommend me some Black artists from all around the globe? Any time period any genre.
Music for a true Punk
Artists I would like if I like Chappell Roan?
Giving characters new abilities
How does the points on rankeds work?
Who's in chaotic good lads?
Is Black Widow seen much in Diamond+?
Where would marvel rivals characters go if they were citizen (Voting for neutral good in this post)