Rodičia, ktoré aktivity s deťmi reálne bavia aj vás?
Bavi vas vasa praca?
The show is over partner...
Is the vandal good or bad?
Who do you guys reckon are the top 5 most "meta" legends rn?
Is a pistol and shotgun loadout viable?
What is your reason to stay alive?
Hunt Showdown in a nutshell
Songs that feel like this?
Čo robiť, keď niekto ide pomaly v ľavom pruhu a odmieta ísť do ľavého pruhu?
I just downloaded the game and plan on playing it tomorrow for 8 hours.
Changing a unique core mechanic of the game to appease people crying about a temporary trait is a dogshit idea.
A sincere question: did I miss something? We hit each other in the exact same moment, with the same weapon and ammo, at the same distance. Their shot killed me with a hit in the lower body, and my hit to their chest did a measly 65 damage.
Please get rid of Blademancer and never bring it back.
We need a Kill Replay in this game
Čo sú populárne "zlé" rady? Ktoré často počúvate?
If you want exclusive (equipment) skins back
Serpent being unbelievably the best thing
Who is your favourite hunter, and why?
As a solo would you share a bounty with another solo or kill them?
What is your cheap loadout of choice?
Pls recommend me something to listen to🙏
Shouldn't MMR be tied to the objective?
Psa to randoms
I will never top this