[Spoilers Main] Do you think Tobho Mott had to do any human sacrifice
Why does Stannis say this ? Was he jealous of Ned's relationship with Robert ? Seems like they have a lot in common to me . Just saying ( spoilers extended )
Why does Stannis say this ? Was he jealous of Ned's relationship with Robert ? Seems like they have a lot in common to me . Just saying
[Spoilers Main] Waymar’s broken promise
How do you see Stannis's arc and the Battle of Ice? [Spoilers extended]
(Spoilers Extended) Does Jaime ever reflect on Robert repeatedly violently raping Cersei?
[Spoilers Extended] The Contempt and frustration that has built up in the fandom due to the lack of updates on Winds of Winter
(SPOILERS EXTENDED) What would you change about The Night's Watch worldbuilding
[Spoilers Main] Is the phrase "Valar morghulis" related to Tolkien's Valar in any way?
[Spoilers Main] Can someone give me a comprehensive list of every bad thing Ramsay has done?
"Anger makes men stupid." [spoilers TWoW]
(spoiler extended) what are your theories behind benjen's decision of joining the watch
Onion Substitutes? [Spoilers extended]
(Spoilers Main) Did Davos ever do anything wrong?
[Spoilers Extended] Why Three Eyed Raven in the show?
(Spoilers Extended) Bywater and Penrose are similar for a reason.
(Spoilers extended) Are the dragons undead?
(SPOILERS EXTENDED) What would you change/add about the dynasties in Westeros in general?
Opinions on TB theory? [Spoilers MAIN]
(Spoilers Main) Weekly Q and A
[No Spoilers] Looking for a historical fiction series with these certain same qualities as ASOIAF:
The Stark/Snow Children and Warging (Spoilers Extended)
Stannis and Davos's last conversation [Spoilers published]
(Spoilers Main) Ned's hypocrisy.
When will Dany get to Westeros? (Spoiler Main)
(Spoilers Extended) Jaime's choice with Bran was actually pretty pious from what we know of the Knighthood Oaths of the 7.