What’s everyone’s uph (just curious) mine is at 110 right now. I wonder who has the highest one.
Finally got TV yesterday and setup today!
Please say it ain’t so
Tell where would you start...
what on earth could this be
Would you let me dominate you?
How to ask for help as a shopper?
Hazard pay during the hurricanes
Any barbers open in the area??
Spotted in South Bay
What can Asheville do to make the city livable for working people in the near future?
Help it’s getting cold and my babies need to come inside :(
This came to me in a vision, my intellect is unmatched
Grocery stores that are being stocked?
Question about the creek water?
Juul Class Action Settlement Updates
Juul Settlement
Checking in from asheville
So apparently there’s nothing wrong with staging bags on the shelves where large items are supposed be located. That’s according to the newest supervisor.
Some people say they’re having freak offs. I was never there but some people are saying that 👌
Honestly, I’m not even surprised
Bre and Chelsea…
Apparently my store doesn’t celebrate TMAW on Saturday or Sunday
So…! Is Cherokee marijuana any good!!?