5 DAYS TIL RETURN TO DRANGLEIC! Do you RP your character, or do something funny, or do you not really care about your character?
A new start to an epic story bedrock city 4 has started! Happy crafting!
You may not agree but this is what peak fashion looks like...
What builds you guys going with, for Return to Draingleic on the 28th?
What is the most conspicuously absent armour set in the game?
Come join the fun
6 DAYS TIL RETURN TO DRANGLEIC 2025! How does DS2 compare to other FromSoft titles to you?
7 DAYS TIL RETURN TO DRANGLEIC! Bonfire Ascetic: do you use these?
My first return to Drangleic, What to expect?
Can't summon a co-operator even though everything looks right. What am I missing?
Return to Drangleic co op
Cannot wait, need to play now
Yoo, that's quite a progress! I forgot how easy it was to level up in this game.
Just finished Dark Souls 2 for the first time! Here are my thoughts…
RETURNING TO DRANGLEIC in style - Boss invasion Builds
10 DAYS TIL RETURN TO DRANGLEIC 2025! What's your favorite DS2 Boss Fight?
Yoo, look who's here! Preparing for #ReturnToDrangleic
8 DAYS TIL RETURN TO DRANGLEIC 2025! Who are your fav NPCs?
Having trouble starting into early game
Came back to DS2 after 7 years, having a blast.
AMA: I died to Covetous Demon
Weapon it Build idea‘s
How Elden Ring Shattered the Spirit of Invasions