U20 Predictions
Guys is snuffy easily the best player in blue lock?
Give me your craziest Nishioka prediction for Manshine vs Barcha.
What did you think he promised?
Is the 23rd Player Even Safe?
Who has the best dynamic/ relationship
Help me by suggesting a name
We're going to win this
Who do you think will not make the cut?
What if a player was replaced by Igaguri after Chapter 275+
If the cliffhanger of chapter 274 is a goal then Nanase...
What’re y’all thoughts on kiyora?
I just want an answer to this question guys
The person his soccer is searching for
My Predictions for future manga events
Kunigami's rebellion
inherited an insane amount of cards
How is Reo better than almost everyone in the 1st selection?
Who’s Next?
Who's the most important player on each NEL team
Why I believe the egoist four will end up in the top 5 NEL
Has anyone here been able to unlock Metavision?
bl pick up lines
This might be a hot take….
The things I would do to Hiori man