Bubo bubo was watching me ;)
Happy snowy owl
Wildpark Knüll
Thuidium tamariscinum
Little boar
Sleepy ferrets
Deer park
Silbersee in February
February sunset
Good morning sleepy village
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Good day sunshine
Bright skies and happy vibes :)
Long shadows on a february morning
Forest edge
Aulacomnium palustre
Following a beautiful path
Mossy roots
Gittertierjunges übt korrektes Einparken mit Mama
Snowy moss
Mucidula mucida slimy edition
Cypress-leaved plaid-moss
Hair moss
Patchwork-Kimono-Restewolle-Kuschel-Jacke, aus lauter Rechtecken gestrickt, statt Restewolle-Patchwork-Kuscheldecke (Garnstärke Sockenwolle)