Besides the hand, what would you change/fix?
Songs that make reference to being a dog
Teachers that I made! Can you guys give them names?
Songs that say “ooh-wee-ooh”
Songs that say the F slur (or some variation)
I have a child now
Tax Evasion (@_shllbll1_)
I like pickle juice
Found an unflattering picture of my cat
I found this funny so I joined
Please stop, who even is jschatt??
if i was cocaine, or a..
Wow! Just wow!
What do we think about Bill on the "hear me out" cake?
"But I'm not dead yet, so I guess I'll be alright."
Just turned 19 and this is the most I have ever related to these lyrics
If you had to get one AJR lyric tatooed on you which would you pick and where?
I did not make spaghetti
Which song has you like this?
you comment in 24 hours = your name on this paper :P
Screw your zotiac sign, which love bill are you choosing?