Welcome to my Coop.
Baby silkie’s do
WORST chicken coops?
Where the actual fuck am I supposed to get antibiotics when there’s zero avian vets around and I can’t buy them in store?? My girl has an eye infection and I don’t know what to do please pleas help
Easter egger chicks being slobs
A micro rooster!
My new top models
Soaring egg prices are piquing interest in backyard chickens
Damn it Margaret
Is this Serama a hen or roo?
Mystery Chicken
New pet. she is so cute.
Im about 99% sure he just back-talked me in rooster 😂🤣
Am I overreacting? (Creepy neighbor)
Baby May would like to tell you all she loves you very much and is still amazing!💕
How often do you change the bedding in your brooder?
The new family members 😊
Information Overload!
Splay leg help? Sad girl
Chicken loves to sleep
Combining Flocks
Anyway to keep this dude from leaving little nuggets everywhere while he's inside?
Help needed! Hen making strange noises all of a sudden?
Help needed! Gen making strange noises all of a sudden?
Plz help chick is very weak (late hatchling)