Which comic relief is mostly disliked?
Crimsonender update on Patricia Taxxon
What was the most nothingburger drama that got WAY too much traction in your opinion?
Lines that are straight up just stupid?
Main characters that eventually become irrelevant, to the point that removing them wont affect the story?
Which character who is male but has female voice actor (or vice-versa) is your favorite?
Something you didn’t like about the SpongeBob movie?
Time-themed villains
Finally a non-political superhero
What’s this Joker’s ability?
Zelensky replied: “I am not playing cards.”
What are some artists with universally agreed upon worst albums?
Say something positive about modern Disney
Flow won Best Animated Picture! How mad is Disney right now?
/uj part 6 fucking sucks
How do you feel about Batman Forever?
I DID IT!! (And the game is nowhere near as bad as people say)
This image radiates so much rage and anger, i love it
She finally won an Oscar?
Adam Sandler at Oscars
Literally all the negativity against Shrek 5 movie designs
Who's the best cinematic Catwoman in your opinion?
Thoughts on this album?
"They definitely deserved this, but damn"
guys this is my new aligmnent cart!!!!! fill out the first box: which character is skibidi and sigma???????????????/????//?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Me rn thinking about Emilia Perez winning Oscars and getting everyone mad