Ka këtu të diagnostikuar me ADHD që marrin Ritalin? Nëse po, tek cili psikolog/psikiatër keni vajtur (banoj në Tiranë)?
Si mund te votohet nga diaspora?
I hate having ADHD
Has anyone ever mistaken having a phone addiction with having adhd?
Bought a Tiny Home 37K
Mënyra më e mirë për të lënë duhani
Lamotrigine, side effects
Serious question: how do you wake up in the morning
My mom lied, legally i can get sterilized even if i don't have kids
If you experienced anxiety and agitation on stimulants, what did you do?
New psychiatrist said i can't have adhd because adhd is a diagnosis for kids 🙃
Do your meds help with avoidance??
AITA for deciding to marry my late wife’s sister?
My doctor won't let me try stimulants because she fears we might "ruin" other things
What’s your sleep routine?
Do your symptoms get worse on your period?
How do guys keep a job with ADHD?
Ka ndonje njeri ketu qe ka mbarur ne uni privat? Ose ka te aferm ne privat?
Whats yalls opinion on coffee and tea?
Just got commonlabs - vitamin c brightening sun serum....i think it's breaking me out
Is it normal for adhd to spend a ton shit of money or is it a me problem?
Why don’t you want to have kids?
Finally got diagnosed but my meds are not giving what they are supposed to give (?)
I took the test.
Did anyone in here ever want kids at one point?