How to convince parents to buy DDLC+ for PS4?
I remade the game in Scratch
Poison the Parish was released 7 years ago today! What are your thoughts on this album?
Should I stop boy modding?
How to fix no NBC CW CBS Start TV
Is this a mic drop question 🎤: How did Mary get the Y chromosome necessary to make Jesus a male?
What video games give y'all euphoria
If Seether could play just one deep cut tonight, what would you want them to play?
Being a trans Christian online is annoying.
Is there anything you ladies do that makes you feel more feminine during sleep?
What characters got you acting like this?
Which Seether song should I cover
Is this a safe volume level?
Guess the breaking bad character based on the extreme close-up
Hate on "Country Song"
A song you had to learn to love?
Worst live song?
Jesus when death
I just litstened to Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum...
Does anyone else wish they had leaned more into the atmospheric stuff they were doing on Fragile?
What is your favorite song from each album?
Christians seem to overestimate their importance. No thanks, pal. No thanks.
Does anybody know what this hand sign/ gang sign means ? I saw someone doing this on my classphotos so I was curious.
Off-Topic Friday - Post nontopical things in this thread!
Question about the gift save slot.