I am terrified of my own entropy
I am suffering, while my abusers are living a happy life
how do you get creativity and thinking back?
how to get creativity and thinking back?
i fucking hate this fucking disease
What is the meanest thing someone has told you?
Blocked idea formation?
why society and people in general care so much about sex?
Did your parents drug you?
What Do You Hate Most About Life?
For older schizoprenics, how does the disease progress as you age?
fucking schizophrenia ruined my career
Complaining again
AITAH for requesting an abortion but my boyfriend wants keep it and now he's giving me an ultimatum?
Tired of schzioprenia spectrum viewed as hell
How do I improve my writing?
Which European country would you no longer visit and why?
DAE happily fantasize about death?
Does anyone else here feel like they have dementia?
so fucking sick of my life
Is healing while still living with abusive people really impossible? (Rant/Question)
Why do you keep living?
My alters are gone
how to lose weight on olanzapine
Tomorrow I will be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, any advice or tips?