Red + Tortie Combo
Red + Tortie combo for my client today
Best week to get a prenatal massage in the third trimester?
Is eating sushi disrespectful?
So over the 3rd trimester
Should I delay my appointment?
Should I start learning to be a nail tech?
The norm in America?
Who do your kids look like more of?
Should I wait until I’m 20 weeks to do my anatomy scan?
I have my 10 week appointment next friday, what should I do to prepare and what should I expect?
JUST ORDERED!!! So excited 😍😍 what did you guys get or are eyeing to get????
Just for fun. What was your baby’s heartbeat at their first appt?
If this is your last pregnancy…
Guilt for being so lazy
wth is she cutting
red jelly over holo magnet
Is nausea a good sign in early pregnancy?
Happy 21st birthday to me. Here's my birthday hair
Should I be concerned about 26 month old daughter’s weight.
“Growth ultrasound” at 29-30w?
Yoga / Pilates mat recommendations
My sweetheart turned monster
Why do you get a gold star today?