Anyone have the Pound Vagabond and want to give their pros and cons?
ISO Pound Octothorpe
Fuzed Buzzzsaw under UV
Is Axiom better than MVP?
Peacock has removed many episodes
Embarrased to admit this…
I couldn’t pick between the 2
2025 Captains Raptor
A bad habit the show's picked up over time
Mars Passed Behind the Moon Last Week. Here it is Through my Telescope.
Wizard Skating tricks by Stuart Brattey
Best looking plastic?
Cheers Squatch, couldn't do it without my Legend 2.0 😌
Disc karma does exist!
FYI: Verizon appears to be having issues again
Fuzed Scorch Giveaway by Scissortail Disc Golf
Some recently dyed discs
Brandt’s facial expression here when Dude touches the plaque again gets me every time.
$18 first page $15 second page $10 3rd page hump day special!
Jerm to MVP
Thrill for sale
Play It Again Sports snag
ISO Specific Rebirth Envy
Took the new bag for a spin! Upgraded from a Fade Crunch Box. Feels so good for the soul buying it used. I'll be using it for as long as Pound continues to exist.
We are giving away a Gyropalooza 2024 Golden Ticket!